Meet one of our SBC Managers, Najem Agnew, possibly one of the more photogenic people you’ll meet, and always quick with a joke and able to carry two mini kegs at once (a true feat). Najem is also a father of three boys, a busy student, and a big fan of our duck fat gravy. Next time you see him out and about on the dining room floor, ask him about his favorite dish or see if you can stump him with a science question (he is a certified high-school science teacher). Just don’t ask him where he’s from. To learn more about Naj and how he came to be part of the SBC family, just keep reading!
What Superpower would you want to have?
N.A.: “I hate going to sleep, so it would be nice if I didn’t need it. I would also love to be able to read faster and think more slowly.”
If you could have a meal with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?
N.A.: “Bill Clinton. I’m curious how he balances charisma, intelligence, leadership, and family.”
What is your favorite food or drink at SBC?
N.A.: “Easy. Four scrambled eggs topped with our duck-fat gravy, served with a bottle of tabasco on the side. Don’t skimp on our white-gravy, it is worth the drive from Ozark.”
What’s something people don’t know about you?
N.A.: “I went blind in my left eye due to stress. It comes and goes. That’s a weird thing people don’t know about me”
Where are you from, and how did you end up in Springfield?
N.A.: “When people ask me where I’m from, I say, ‘I was born in Lewiston, ID. I lived in Arizona until I was 4.’ Then people say, ‘No, where are you FROOOOOM?’ I respond with, ‘Well, my father is Saudi Arabian’. Then they say, ‘Oh, did you grow up there, do you speak arabic?’. Ugh.”
How long have you been with SBC?
N.A.: “I began in May of 2014. I was the GM of Maria’s Mexican Restaurant and subsequently the GM of Big Whiskey’s. Bryan Bevel (our director of operations) and I have been friends for the better part of a decade. He was looking for a manager to help build up the SBC brand, and I was looking for a more family-friendly schedule that would allow me to go to business school at night. It has been an outstanding experience.”